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Defining the MQTT Payload


The MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol, as defined by the MQTT specification, does not specify a specific topic namespace. This allows for flexibility and customization in the implementation of MQTT-based systems. Eclipse Tahu, a popular MQTT client library, provides compatible implementations in multiple languages and for various devices.

Topic and Payload Structure

MQTT utilizes a topic and payload structure for publishing messages from and to an MQTT broker. The topic represents a specific subject or category, while the payload contains the actual data being transmitted. This structure enables the efficient routing of messages within an MQTT network.

MQTT Payload Definition

According to the MQTT specification, the payload is defined as an opaque binary stream. This means that the format, encoding, and interpretation of the payload are application-specific and not dictated by the MQTT protocol. The application or system that sends or receives the message is responsible for defining the payload format, ensuring compatibility between sender and receiver.

Related Resources

* MQTT Specification: * Eclipse Tahu: * Sparkplug Specification:
