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Earth Overshoot Day 2024

Swiss Lifestyle Beyond Earth's Capacity

2022 Consumption Exceeds Earth's Capacity for 374 Earths

Earth Overshoot Day 2023 and Beyond

If the entire world's population adopted the Swiss lifestyle, we would need 374 Earths to sustain our consumption. This sobering statistic, calculated by Global Footprint Network, highlights the urgency of addressing our impact on the planet.

In 2023, Earth Overshoot Day fell on August 2nd, marking the date when humanity's resource consumption exceeded Earth's capacity for the year. Launched by Slovenia's Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Earth Overshoot Day serves as a reminder of the need to transition to sustainable practices.

Earth Overshoot Day (EOD) is a calculated calendar date that indicates when humanity's resource consumption exceeds Earth's ability to regenerate those resources. In 2023, EOD fell earlier than ever before, emphasizing the accelerating rate at which we are consuming our planet's resources.

The Swiss lifestyle, known for its high consumption of energy, materials, and resources, is an example of the unsustainable practices that contribute to Earth Overshoot Day. By reducing our consumption and transitioning to renewable energy sources, we can collectively shift the date of Earth Overshoot Day towards later in the year, giving our planet more time to recover.
